
Chemistry of metals and their ions
Most metals have a rather interesting and colorful aqueous
chemistry. Especially the transition metals form numerous interesting complexes
and have interesting redox chemistry. Note, some experiments are mentioned two
times on this page, because they both demonstrate redox properties of a certain
metal and coordination chemistry of that metal in the same experiment. The lists
below are ordered alphabetically, based on the chemical symbol of the element
List of fully worked out experiments, redox chemistry:
Preparation of
a high explosive
. Silver ions
react with acetylene gas, even at low pH (around 0), giving an off-white
precipitate of impure silver acetylide. This precipitate is highly
explosive, when it is dry. |
Divalent chromium, extreme sensitivity to
aerial oxidation. From high purity chromium metal and hydrochloric
acid a solution is made with chromium(II) ions as the main species in
solution. It is shown that these chromium(II) ions are oxidized by
oxygen from air very easily. |
Reduction of dichromate - different colors
of reaction product. When orange dichromate is reduced, then the
resulting chromium(III) ions almost always are coordinated to something
in solution. It is shown that the color of the reduction product of
dichromate strongly depends on which reductor is used. |
Temperature-dependence of chromate/dichromate equilibrium.
In this experiment it is shown that the well-known change of color from orange dichromate
to yellow chromate or v.v. has a strong dependence on temperature. The color change also
can be effected by heating and cooling down. |
Redox chemistry and coordination
chemistry of copper(II) and sulfite at different pH. Sulfite ion and
copper(II) ion can react in different ways. Coordination complexes can
be formed, but they also can interact in a redox reaction. Quite
remarkable compounds can be formed in these reactions. The pH of the
solutions has great influence on the actual reactions occurring. |
Cu: Unexpected
colors with copper(II) ions in the presence of halogenide at high
concentration. Copper(II) ions form intensely colored red/purple
complex ions with bromide at low pH and high concentration. |
Copper redox and coordination chemistry.
The element copper has a very rich aqueous chemistry, although it only
has two oxidation states, which can be stabilized in aqueous solution.
The combination of redox chemistry and extensive coordination chemistry
makes this element very interesting. |
Formation of a complex of copper in oxidation
state +3. Copper can be oxidized to the +3 oxidation state if it is
coordinated to orthoperiodate ions. This complex is stable in aqueous
solution, and it has a deep red color, which is very special for copper
compounds. |
Cu, Zn:
Zinc plating of copper coin. This
is a classical experiment, but still, its explanation is not
straightforward. In this experiment, a copper coin is plated with a thin
zinc layer from a solution of alkaline zincate. This zinc plating is not
done by means of electrolysis. |
Cu, Al:
Influence of copper ions on reactivity of
aluminium. Another interesting property of the element copper in
aqueous solution. Copper ions, together with chloride ions, work
extremely corrosively on aluminium. When alone, copper ion, or chloride
ion, hardly affects aluminium, but when working together, the aluminium
is eaten in a few minutes. |
Cyanotype, the dawn of photography.
One of the oldest processes for making permanent images is demonstrated
in this experiment. Using simple chemicals and tools an image (a blue
print) is made from flat objects like leaves. The word 'blue print'
originally stems from this process. |
Multiple compounds with a
beautiful color, which depends on temperature
. Mercury iodide
and some derived compounds have beautiful colors, but even more
surprising is the reversible change of color when the temperature is
changed. |
Iridium -- goddess of the rainbow. One
of the most colorful elements in its aqueous chemistry. All colors from
the rainbow can be obtained from just one iridium compound (sold as
"iridium(IV) chloride") as starting point, using common reagents only. |
Properties of manganese(II) ion at very
high concentration. In this experiment it is shown that manganese(II)
ions in aqueous solution are pale pink, also at very high concentration
and in the presence of concentrated hydrochloric acid. This is different
from what some textbooks claim, which mention the existence of green
complexes. |
Liquid from hell -- fire on first contact
. An organic
solvent like acetone or ethanol inflames at once, when brought in
contact with a mix of potassium permanganate and concentrated sulphuric
acid. |
Chemical chameleon with permanganate.
A classical but appealing experiment. A dilute solution of potassium
permanganate is reduced by an alkaline sugar solution. The solution goes
through many different colors while the permanganate ion is reduced. |
Mn, Fe:
Oxidizing power of bleach. Bleach is a
remarkably strong oxidizer. It is capable of oxidizing iron to its +6
oxidation state, and manganese to its +7 oxidation stage. |
Mn, Ce:
Oscillating reaction. This is the
classical Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, an oscillating reaction.
Although it is well-known, it remains one of the most beautiful and
remarkable demonstrations. The reaction, shown in this page, is based on
the oxidation of malonic acid with bromate ions, with manganese(II/III)
or cerium(III/IV) as a catalyst. |
Colorful compounds of molybdenum.
This experiment demonstrates the very interesting and colorful, but also
rather incompletely understood chemistry of molybdenum in aqueous
solution. All colors of the rainbow can be produced with molybdenum in
aqueous solution. |
Coloration of metallic niobium by means of
electrolysis .
This is really remarkable. When niobium is used as anode in an
electrolysis setup, then the metal is covered by a very thin oxide
layer, which can have bright colors. This is a simply, but very
surprising experiment. |
Nickel in oxidation state +1. In this
experiment, nickel is brought to the remarkable oxidation state +1,
which is very special for this metal, which usually is in oxidation
state +2 in aqueous solutions. |
Ni, Cu:
Nickel - ethylenediamine complexes. Nickel forms
differently colored complexes with ethylenediamine. These complexes have strong bright
colors. The tris-complex also can be crystallized easily with different cations, most
notably the perchlorate ion. The solid perchlorate is an energetic and beautifully looking
compound. This webpage also contains a link to an experiment, in which the copper
complex is made as perchlorate salt. This also is easily crystallized and has equally
energetic properties as the nickel complex.
Ni, Ag:
Very high oxidation states with
persulfate. Persulfate (better: peroxodisulfate) is a strong
oxidizer, capable of oxidizing nickel to +3 or +4 oxidation state in
alkaline solution, and capable of oxidizing silver to +3 oxidation state
in acidic solution. |
Rhenium chemistry. A set of
experiments, which shows relevant parts of aqueous chemistry of this
element. Rhenium metal is dissolved in nitric acid, giving a solution of
perrhenic acid, and this solution in turn is used in a few redox
chemistry experiments. |
Ruthenium chemistry. Ruthenium metal
is dissolved in hot bleach, giving deep red ruthenate(VI) in solution.
This solution, in turn is used for a large set of redox chemistry
experiments. The chemistry of the element ruthenium is very rich and
colorful. |
Electrolysis of a solution of
lead nitrate, formation of metal crystals. This is a demonstration
of the formation of pure lead metal from a solution of lead nitrate. The
metal is deposited in the form of beautiful glittering crystals. |
Aqueous chemistry of titanium. A
solution of a titanium(III) species is made by dissolving some titanium
in hydrochloric acid, and this solution serves as a basis for further
experiments, exploiting the redox chemistry of this element. |
Colorful oxidation states of vanadium.
Vanadium can be in any of the oxidation states +2, +3, +4 and +5 in
aqueous solution. Starting from vanadium pentoxide (easy to obtain from
pottery suppliers) all oxidation states are prepared in this experiment. |
List of fully worked out experiments, coordination
Bismuth complexes with halogens. The
metal bismuth in the +3 oxidation states forms deeply colored
precipitates and complexes, most notably with iodide ion. |
Co, Hg:
Colorful and really
remarkable chemistry. In this experiment some amazing color changes
can be observed. A beautiful bright red solution is prepared from which
slowly very bright blue crystals are precipitated. Beautiful contrasts
are produced in this experiment. |
Volatile compounds of chromium -
another colored gas
. In this
experiment, two volatile compounds of chromium are made from potassium
dichromate, sodium fluoride, sodium chloride and concentrated sulphuric
acid. One of them produces an orange/brown vapor, which very much
resembles bromine vapor. |
More fun with volatile chromium - chromyl
chloride . This is a really
beautiful experiment. Chromyl chloride vapor is poured on a very dilute
acidified solution of hydrogen peroxide. On the surface, the chromyl
chloride vapor is absorbed by the liquid and heavy streams of a peroxo
complex of chromium are formed, which produce nice deep blue patterns in
the liquid. |
Reduction of dichromate - different colors
of reaction product. When orange dichromate is reduced, then the
resulting chromium(III) ions almost always are coordinated to something
in solution. It is shown that the color of the reduction product of
dichromate strongly depends on which reductor is used. |
Synthesis and properties of
polychromates. Hexavalent chromium forms the well-known chromates
and dichromates, but at very low pH and high concentration, the much
more obscure trichromates can be made. These trichromates can be
prepared remarkably easily and they keep remarkably well in the case of
the potassium salt and ammonium salt. |
Chromium(III) coordination chemistry.
This is a simple experiment which shows that by simple boiling an
aqueous solution of chromium(III) ions forms a complex with anions
present in solution by means of ligand exchange. The experiment
demonstrates this effect with sulfate anions, but the effect also exists
for many other anions. The ligand exchange is accompanied with a strong
change of color. |
Synthesis of potassium tetraperoxo
chromate(V) . A detailed description (recipe) for making the
energetic compound K3CrO8. |
Synthesis of triammine diperoxo
This is a description of how to make another very energetic chromium
peroxo compound. Also some properties of the prepared compound are
shown. |
Synthesis of potassium chlorochromate(VI).
The compound potassium chlorochromate(VI) can easily be prepared. In
this webpage it is demonstrated how this can be done with acceptable
yield. The resulting chemical compound can be kept indefinitely and may
be interesting for further experiments. |
Chromium peroxo pyridine complex
and its properties.
A dark blue insoluble peroxo complex of chromium is made, and some
further experiments are performed with this compound. This experiments
shows some remarkable color combinations and the peroxo complex is
remarkably stable under reducing conditions. |
Redox chemistry and coordination
chemistry of copper(II) and sulfite at different pH. Sulfite ion and
copper(II) ion can react in different ways. Coordination complexes can
be formed, but they also can interact in a redox reaction. Quite
remarkable compounds can be formed in these reactions. The pH of the
solutions has great influence on the actual reactions occurring. |
Cu: Copper redox and coordination chemistry.
The element copper has a very rich aqueous chemistry, although it only
has two oxidation states, which can be stabilized in aqueous solution.
The combination of redox chemistry and extensive coordination chemistry
makes this elements very interesting. |
A fluorescent compound of copper.
This is an experiment, which is not well known. The effect demonstrated
in this experiment, however, is striking and it is a shame that so few
people know it. A white compound is prepared which exhibits beautiful
bright yellow fluorescence under black-light. |
Complex chemistry of copper in
combination with thiocyanate. Copper exhibits an interesting
chemistry when it is combined with thiocyanate ion. An intricate
interplay of coordination chemistry and redox chemistry leads to many
surprising compounds with nice colors. |
Inductive effect demonstrated by
properties of copper acetate and related complexes. In this
experiment, copper acetate, but also several substituted and related
compounds are prepared. Their properties are compared and a good
explanation can be given by the inductive effect. |
Cu, Al:
Influence of copper ions on reactivity of
aluminium. Another interesting property of the element copper in
aqueous solution. Copper ions, together with chloride ions, work
extremely corrosively on aluminium. When alone, copper ion, or chloride
ion, hardly affects aluminium, but when working together, the aluminium
is eaten in a few minutes. |
Cu, Cs:
Red complex of copper and chloride.
A really beautiful and remarkable solid chloro complex of copper is
produced. The complex has copper in oxidation state +2 and has a bright
red color, which is very special for copper in oxidation state +2. A few
other similar complexes of other metals are described as well through
this webpage. |
Mercury iodide, change of color and complex
formation. Mercury iodide is made from mercury chloride and
potassium iodide. When the precipitate of mercury(II)iodide is made,
then at first it is yellow, but it quickly turns bright orange/red. When
excess iodide is added, then the precipitate redissolves again, due to
complex formation. |
Iridium -- goddess of the rainbow. One
of the most colorful elements in its aqueous chemistry. All colors from
the rainbow can be obtained from just one iridium compound (sold as "iridium(IV)
chloride") as starting point, using common reagents only. |
Synthesis of potassium from magnesium
and potassium hydroxide
. This is an
interesting and also remarkable synthesis of potassium, which can be
carried out at very mild conditions and which only requires reactants
which are not really hard to obtain. |
A volatile compound of manganese
and corrosion of glass
. In this
experiment, a mix of potassium permanganate and sodium fluoride is
treated with concentrated sulphuric acid. A green volatile compound is
formed and the glass is heavily corroded. A dangerous, but also
appealing experiment. |
Rhenium chemistry. A set of
experiments, which shows relevant parts of aqueous chemistry of this
element. Rhenium metal is dissolved in nitric acid, giving a solution of
perrhenic acid, and this solution in turn is used in a few redox
chemistry experiments. |
Ruthenium chemistry. Ruthenium metal
is dissolved in hot bleach, giving deep red ruthenate(VI) in solution.
This solution, in turn is used for a large set of redox chemistry
experiments. The chemistry of the element ruthenium is very rich and
colorful. |
Tin chloride and iodide. Tin(II)
ions and iodide ions give rise to formation of a yellow precipitate of
tin(II) iodide, but at high concentrations of iodide, a nice orange/red
compound is formed. No explanation can be given though. When
hydrochloric acid is added, then the precipitate redissolves and a
colorless solution is obtained, due to complex formation. |
Preparation of tin(IV) iodide, a volatile
covalent compound. Tin and iodine are made to react in a suitable
solvent for iodine. Under these conditions the interesting compound
tin(IV) iodide is formed, which can easily be isolated. Some properties
of this compound are shown. |
Aqueous chemistry of titanium. Some
titanium is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, giving a deep blue/violet
solution. This solution is used as a starting point for a range of
experiments, demonstrating interesting redox and coordination chemistry
of this metal. |
Isolation of peroxo complex of vanadium.
In this experiment a peroxo complex of vanadium is made and this complex
is isolated as a dry powdered solid. The isolated compound is stable on
storage and has energetic properties. A mix with red phosphorus
deflagrates on ignition. |
Peroxo complexes of transition metals in
high oxidation states. This is a large set of experiments in which
compounds of transition metals are treated with hydrogen peroxide. Many
transition metals form beautiful peroxo complexes, sometimes of
remarkable nature. |
List of fully worked out experiments, miscellaneous:
Explanation of what happens when hard
water is heated. This experiment is a nice and safe demonstration
and explanation of what happens when hard water is boiled. |
Nice dendritic crystal structures. A
solution of ammonium chromate is allowed to evaporate to dryness. The
solution looses ammonia, and hence ammonium dichromate is formed. Very
interesting fractal patterns are produced, with the yellow ammonium
chromate having a rather different structure than the orange ammonium
dichromate. |
Preparation of a compound with magnetic
Only very mundane chemicals and equipment are needed in this simple, but
funny experiment. A precipitate of magnetite is prepared and the
precipitate is drawn through a test tube by moving a strong magnet
around the test tube. |
Narrow absorption bands of neodymium ions.
In this experiment it is shown that the appearance of a solution of
neodymium salts strongly depends on the type of light source, used for
viewing the solution. The effect is really striking! |
"Golden" crystals of lead iodide.
A precipitate of lead iodide is dissolved in boiling water. On cooling
down, many beautiful glittering gold-like crystals are formed, which
slowly settle on the bottom. |
Pb: Lead iodide: color depending on
temperature and decomposition. Some lead iodide is heated. This
gives rise to a change of color from bright yellow to deep red. On
cooling down, the color reverses to bright yellow. When the heating is
much stronger, then the lead iodide decomposes. |
Praseodymium chemistry. Some
praseodymium metal is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and some solid
praseodymium chloride is made. The color of the solution deepens when
concentrated hydrochloric acid is used. |
Volatile vanadium compound, leading to
green gas and red smoke.
Phosphorus pentachloride is capable of chlorinating vanadium pentoxide
and the resulting compound is volatile and gives rise to formation of
interesting green vapor and red smoke when it is heated. |
Tidbits and raw material with
some nice results and ideas:
- Colorful
precipitates with periodate ion. In this experiment, many solutions of
metal salts are added to a solution of sodium metaperiodate. Many
precipitates, made in this way, have highly unexpected colors.
- Beautiful effects with potassium
dichromate and hydrogen peroxide. Small crystals of potassium dichromate
are sprinkled on the surface of a very dilute acidified solution of hydrogen
peroxide. The crystals remain floating on the surface, slowly releasing
dichromate in solution. This reacts with the hydrogen peroxide and this
gives beautiful effects.
- Explosive properties
of peroxo chromates. A recipe is given for making potassium
tetraperoxochromate (V) and it is shown how this compound explodes on
- Nice effects in petri dish
with yellow precipitate. A small amount of potassium iodide is put in a
petri dish, filled with water, and a small amount of lead nitrate is put in
the petri dish at the other side. The compounds dissolve and slowly diffuse
towards each other. When they reach each other, a yellow precipitate of
lead(II)iodide is formed. The slow diffusion results in a nice effect.
- Formation of a silver
mirror. Ammoniacal silver nitrate is mixed with a solution of glycerol
or glucose and the test tube then is slightly heated. This results in a
shiny silver mirror on the inside of the test tube.
- Anhydrous
chromium(III) sulfate from concentrated sulphuric acid? In this
experiment, it is shown that a precipitate is formed from concentrated
sulphuric acid, by dissolving chromium compounds and then strongly heating.
It is expected that this precipitate is anhydrous, highly insoluble,
chromium(III) sulfate.
- Preparation of anhydrous
cobalt(II) chloride. Anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride is prepared from the
hydrated salt by very careful heating. It is possible to make the anhydrous
salt, also without an atmosphere of HCl, but one has to work carefully.
- Thionyl chloride and
potassium dichromate. Potassium dichromate is dissolved in thionyl
chloride and some sulphuric acid is added. This gives some chromyl chloride
and a deep red solution. When this mix is added to water, then a violent,
but rather spectacular and in some sense beautiful reaction starts, giving a
cloud of HCl and chromyl chloride.
Sodium skirting over water
surface. This is a very simple experiment. Some sodium is thrown in
a tank, filled with water, in which some pH indicator is dissolved. This
results in a nice visual effect.