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Isolation of a peroxo complex of vanadium Chromium is known to form many peroxo complexes, some of them having beautiful colors and all of them being rather energetic. It is much less well-known that vanadium in its +5 oxidation state also can form nice peroxo complexes, which also are colorful and energetic. The two pictures below show the violent explosion of a tiny amount of the mix of red phosphorus and the vanadium peroxo complex. Time between the two frames is 33 ms.
In this webpage, two experiments are described. The first part of the experiment can easily be performed, and only requires aqueous chemistry without the need to isolate any compounds. It already is quite interesting on its own. The second part of the experiment requires filtration and drying of a solid and requires a little bit more experience.
Formation of a peroxo complex in aqueous solution
The picture below shows the result of adding a solution of 15% hydrogen peroxide to the liquid, shown above. The solution of hydrogen peroxide has a lower density than the alkaline solution with dissolved vanadium pentoxide. For this reason, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide remains fairly low in the lower parts of the test tube, while it is highest in the higher part. The lower part remains yellow, the higher part shows the formation of a purple compound. There also is slow formation of bubbles of oxygen.
A video is made of the formation of the complex and the mixing of the liquid. Download size is 3.3 MByte.
Isolation of a peroxo complex It is fairly easy to isolate a peroxo complex from the solutions, as shown above. One should prepare the dark purple solution, according to the procedure, shown above. The light yellow solution, from which one starts, does not need to be highly concentrated. Take a big spatula full of vanadium pentoxide, add a few ml of water and then add potassium hydroxide, until all of the vanadium pentoxide has dissolved. Then add a few more pieces of potassium hydroxide and dissolve these as well. In this way, a strongly alkaline solution is obtained. Let this solution cool down to 10 °C.
After a single pass of filtering, a dirty light brown slurry is obtained, and a deep purple clear liquid.
This picture shows the dark color of the liquid after filtering. It is almost black.
But, when the light of a fluorescent tube is viewed through the liquid, then one can nicely see the purple color of this liquid. The ethanol apparently does not react with the peroxo complex, it is not destroyed by the ethanol. The black spots in the purple band are due to bubbles of oxygen in the liquid.
The picture below shows the result of adding some distilled water, which rinses the precipitate. The precipitate hardly dissolves in the cold water. When all water has gone through the filter, then a yellow/brown precipitate of a more bright color remains.
This precipitate is carefully scraped off the filter paper and put in a petri dish, which then is placed in a warm place (on a heating radiator of appr. 50 C). After a few hours, the solid has dried and can be scraped from the glass of the petri dish. The result is a brown/yellow solid, which is not hygroscopic. The solid does not look crystalline, it is more like a fine powder. The picture below shows the isolated yellow/brown compound and for comparison, a commercial sample of potassium metavanadate is put besides it. The peroxo complex clearly has a darker color.
Energetic properties of the isolated peroxo complex The peroxo complex is expected to be an energetic compound, due to the high oxygen content, which also is present in the form of the relatively unstable peroxo-ligand. For this purpose, some of the dry brown/yellow powder was carefully mixed with a small amount of red phosphorus. No precise weighing was done, the mix was prepared visually, taking approximately 2 times as much volume of the light brown/yellow powder, as volume of powder of red phosphorus. Only very small amounts were mixed. The mix then was put on the tip of a small screw driver (diameter of tip is 2.5 mm) and kept above a flame. This results in a remarkably violent deflagration. The mix explodes in a very particular way, spraying around smoking sparks in the form of a hairy sphere. Below, 5 frames are shown, which in total span a time of approximately 150 ms. The first picture shows how small an amount of solid is used. The second picture shows the violent explosion, in which glowing particles are blown away with force (the purple haze is due to a camera lens flare artifact). The large picture shows the afterglow, the explosion itself already is over in this situation. The last two pictures show the nice pattern of smoke, which remains after the explosion.
The pictures at the start of this webpage show the explosion of a somewhat larger amount (approximately 2 times the amount, shown here). A video of a few explosions demonstrates the noise and the intensity of the reaction. Download size of the video is 2.1 MByte.
Stability of the isolated peroxo complex The solid compound was stored for 50 days in its small glass vial at a temperature of approximately 15 °C. After that period the mix with red phosphorus was tested again for its energetic properties. The compound still is as energetic as the freshly prepared compound. Apparently the material can be kept around for a longer time and does not quickly decompose. |
Discussion of results
V2O5 + 6OH– → 2VO43- + 3H2O In reality, the behavior of vanadium in oxidation state +5 is amazingly complex and not a single simple species is formed, but a highly complicated mix of all kinds of ions. Equilibria like the following occur in the solution: VO43- + 2H2O ↔ VO2(OH)2– + 2OH– 2VO43- + H2O ↔ V2O74- + 2OH–
VO43- + 2H2O2 → VO2(O2)23- + 2H2O Probably a more complicated reaction occurs, in which hydroxo-ligands are involved as well, based on the equilibria of the vanadium(V) species. VO2(OH)2– + 2H2O2 → V(O2)2(OH)2– + 2H2O The yellow solution contains a mix of VO2(O2)23- and protonated derived species.
VO2(O2)23- + 2H2O2 ↔ V(O2)43- + 2H2O This complex ion V(O2)43- has a deep blue color. When this is the main species, but there also still is some VO2(O2)23-, then the solution may almost look black (absorption of light in the blue tail of the spectrum and in the yellow tail of the spectrum) and the color shifts from blue towards purple or dark grey. This also explains the grey color of the diluted solution. In this solution, the equilibrium slowly goes to the left again and the mix of blue compound and yellow compound results in a grey liquid.
VO2(O2)23- + 4H+ → VO(O2)+ + H2O + H2O2 This equation is simplified again. In reality, the cationic species also will have a (varying) number of aqua ligands.
Information about the peroxo-species is from the book Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie, Band II by Heinrich Remy, 1954.