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Nickel - ethylenediamine complexes Ethylenediamine, NH2CH2CH2NH2 is a well-known ligand for many transition metals. It is a bidentate ligand, capable of coordination on both nitrogen atoms. In this webpage, the different complexes with nickel(II) are demonstrated.
One of the complexes is isolated in the form of the perchlorate salt. This complex has a nice bright color and also is an energetic compound. In another very similar experiment, the copper complex is made as well.
The nickel(II) complexes of ethylenediamine In this experiment, the gradual displacement of water ligands by ethylenediamine is demonstrated and it is shown what colors these complexes have. Ethylenediamine first is dissolved in water. This makes working with the compound less annoying. Pure ethylenediamine gives off intensely strong fumes, as shown by the picture below.
For the purpose of this experiment, the ethylenediamine is diluted, such that a solution of approximately 15% by weight is obtained. Such a dilute solution does not fume at all.
In the experiment, some nickel(II) sulfate is dissolved in water and in small steps, solution of ethylenediamine is added. After each addition, the test tube, containing the reagents, is swirled around, such that all liquid is well mixed. The two pictures below show a test tube, filled with a solution of nickel(II) sulfate and the result of adding a small amount of the 15% solution of ethylenediamine. The right picture nicely shows the different stages of coordination to ethylenediamine.
When the test tube in the right picture above is swirled, then a cyan solution is obtained, which contains a mix of plain nickel(II) and a complex of ethylenediamine and nickel(II). A few more drops of the solution of ethylenediamine need to be added to have (nearly) all nickel(II) converted to a complex. The result is as in the left picture below:
The complex has a bright light blue color, somewhat like the color of plain aqueous copper(II) ions, such as in solutions of copper sulfate, but somewhat lighter. In this complex, there is one molecule of ethylenediamine for each nickel(II) ion. When more ethylenediamine is added, as shown in the right picture, then a much darker blue complex is formed.
A better demonstration of the much darker compound is given below. The two pictures below show the dark blue complex which has 2 molecules of ethylenediamine for each nickel(II) ion. The dark blue compound was prepared by carefully adding a few more drops of ethylenediamine and shaking, such that a homegeneous royal blue solution is obtained. When even more ethylenediamine is added, then a violet complex is formed. This is shown in the right picture below.
On addition of a little more ethylenediamine and shaking, a homogeneous beautiful purple/violet solution is obtained. The violet complex is soluble in water, but apparently, the solution shown below is over-saturated. Part of the solution was transferred to another test tube and set aside. One day later, a large part of the complex has settled at the bottom as a crystalline complex. The liquid is much lighter.
The solid material at the bottom of the test tube can be isolated and dried. The precipitate, however, is quite voluminous and contains a lot of water, although the picture looks otherwise. After drying only a very small amount of fine crumbs remains. The ethylenediamine complexes of nickel are quite stable in neutral and alkaline solutions, but they cannot exist in acidic solution. Part of the purple solution, as shown above, was added to some dilute sulphuric acid. When this is done, the complex is destroyed at once and a plain green solution, containing hydrated nickel(II) ions is obtained.
Preparation of a solid complex Better results for isolation of the complex are obtained when the perchlorate salt is prepared. Preparing the perchlorate at high purity is not easily done with nickel sulfate (the sulfate easily crystallizes together with the perchlorate), but it works very well, when one starts from nickel nitrate (the nitrate is much more soluble than the sulfate, while the perchlorate is less soluble). The procedure is as follows:
The final result of the process as outlined above is a nice perfectly dry violet solid.
The picture above shows a sample of well over 1 gram of the solid. This solid is soluble in water, but not very easily. Its solubility is better than the solubility of potassium perchlorate, but it is much less soluble than ammonium perchlorate or nickel nitrate. Solutions of this solid are light violet.
Failed attempt to isolate the blue bis(ethylenediamine) bi aqua nickel(II) complex
The isolation of the complex did not succeed. A small excess amount of ethylenediamine was added to the turbid pale blue liquid and this immediately caused formation of a very fine purple precipitate and formation of the violet liquid. This liquid was heated and even gentle heating was sufficient to make it completely clear and deep violet. On cooling down, many nice glittering violet crystals were produced of tris(ethylenediamine) nickel(II) perchlorate. The liquid above these crystals was decanted and these crystals were dried in the same way as described above. So, it can be concluded that the tris-complex can be isolated perfectly well, but the bis-complex cannot easily be isolated. Most likely this is due to the more labile properties of the complex and partial loss of ethylenediamine from the liquid when it is allowed to evaporate to dryness.
Heating of tris(ethylenediamine) nickel(II) perchlorate When the solid material is heated in a flame, then it explodes with great violence, producing a strong hissing/crackling sound. The following four pictures show a tiny sample on the tip of a miniature spatula. At the top right, the deflagration of part of the material is shown. One somewhat larger crystal remains on the spatula and only at most 67 ms later, that crystal also deflagrates. In real time, the burning of this material is with strong crackling and a somewhat stroboscopic effect.
Discussion of results
Here M is the metal ion and the arrows indicate the sharing of the free electron pairs of the nitrogen with the metal ion. In this experiment, M is the nickel(II) ion, Ni2+.
Water molecules can be replaced by ethylenediamine molecules. Each two water molecules are replaced by one ethylenediamine molecule. This results in the following 4 complexes (en is a shorthand notation for ethylenediamine):
[Ni(en)3](ClO4)2 This perchlorate salt is an energetic compound. It carries its own fuel and oxidizer. The ethylenediamine ligands are a perfect fuel for the perchlorate oxidizer. The oxygen balance is not perfect, but it is close enough to make the compound energetic and fairly easily ignited.
NH2CH2CH2NH2 + 2H+ → +NH3CH2CH2NH3+ Both amine-groups are protonated by acid and the free electron pair on each of the nitrogen atoms then coordinates to the H+-ion instead of the metal-ion. The ligand then loses contact with the metal ion and the metal ion is coordinated by water again.