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Self-igniting gas, made from sand and magnesium This experiment is rather spectacular while it can be performed with very common chemicals. It also can be done safely, as long as the precautions given in the text below are taken into account. The second part of this experiment also is very suitable for classroom demonstrations or other chemistry demonstration events.
In the experiment, first some (impure) magnesium silicide is prepared. After cooling down of the material, it is crushed and small granules of the material are thrown in dilute hydrochloric acid, which gives a pleasing and spectacular effect of crackling and popping flashes of fire.
Preparation of magnesium silicide In the first part of the experiment, magnesium silicide is made from very fine sand and fine magnesium powder. The sand can be purchased in some pet shops as fine 'silver sand' and in ceramics suppliers as powdered silicon dioxide. The sand does not need to be very pure, but the finer it is, the better.
The test tube with the mix and covering layer should look like this:
The test tube used in this experiment was really bad. It was used in different experiment with fluorides and was severely etched on the inside. Such a test tube has a worthy end of its life in the experiment of making magnesium silicide.
The heating of the test tube results in a sudden and fairly violent reaction. One can see a glow going quickly through the sand/magnesium mix. The reaction starts at a spot somewhere on the side of the test tube (where heating is strongest) and then in less than one second the entire mass has reacted. It also expands somewhat during the reaction. The following three pictures show the setup, used for heating and the reaction which occurred. The middle picture nicely shows how part of the magnesium/sand mix has reacted, while other parts still are present as light grey powder. In the right picture all of the mix has reacted. The layer of sand on top of the magnesium/sand mix is blown upwards and most of it sticks to the glass walls of the test tube.
A video was made of the heating process and the reaction. The download size of the video is approximately 3.8 MByte. Download the video by clinking here. The video also shows that the layer of sand, which covers the sand/magnesium mix moves upwards when the test tube it heated and then falls back again, before the reaction sets in. This probably is due to expansion of air between the particles of the sand/magnesium mix, or due to remains of water in the sand/magnesium mix. After cooling down, a solid mass is in the bottom of the test tube, it does not fall out of the test tube, when it is kept upside down, but the mass is not glassy, it is more like rough granules and it contains quite some air.
The remaining material can be put in a small vial, which is tightly closed. A small sample of the material is shown in the picture below. It also shows some remaining small glass splinters. The impure magnesium silicide is grey with a somewhat bluish hue. It is rather impure material, it also contains quite some MgO.
If the material is kept in a tightly closed small vial, then it can be kept indefinitely for future experiments. This material has rather interesting properties, as will be shown in the experiment description further below.
Self-igniting gas: silane The material, which is prepared from the sand/magnesium mix, is a mix of magnesium silicide and magnesium oxide in a 1 : 2 stoichiometric ratio. When this is added to dilute acids (e.g. 10% HCl or 10% H2SO4), then bubbles of gas are produced which immediately catch fire when they come in contact with air. The burning of this gas is occurring with explosive violence and this results in a crackling noise when many tiny bubbles of gas ignite at (almost) the same time. Simply throwing some of the material in a small quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid results in lots of crackling and flashing. Sometimes there are larger bursts, sometimes there are many small specks of fire.
A big burst of fire occurs, when many tiny bubbles combine into a big bubble. When the big bubble breaks, then the gas in it is released and a bigger flame is produced. The tiny specks are produced when small bubbles of gas break. Two videos are made of the crackling and the flashes of fire:
More powerful reaction in pure oxygen A rather spectacular effect is obtained when magnesium silicide is add to acid, which is under pure oxygen instead of air. The flashes in that case are much brighter and more white instead of orange. This experiment can best be done on a test tube scale.
The three pictures below show the addition of a single granule of MgO/Mg2Si. In the left picture the granule goes under the surface and a lot of bubbles are produced. As soon as these bubbles reach the surface of the liquid they ignite with a bright flash of light. The granule of MgO/Mg2Si breaks apart in smaller parts. After a while, when there have been a lot of miniature explosions, an orange/yellow solid remains sticking on the glass and floating on the surface of the dilute acid.
A short video of this reaction is available as well. Download size is appr. 1.8 MByte.
Collecting silane over water in an inverted test tube Some of the silane gas was prepared in a syringe, using a special technique, allowing the gas to be collected under water:
Some of the gas was collected under water in an inverted test tube and allowed to stand for a few days. Collecting the gas in a test tube is easy. Take a test tube, fill it with water and keep it inverted under water in a large tub. Push the flexible tube of the syringe inside the inverted test tube, as high as possible and then slowly press out the gas. Avoid long bubbling trajectories through the water, so it is important to keep the flexible tube as high in the test tube as possible. After this is done, the test tube can be stoppered and the gas can be stored in that test tube, upside down, with the stoppered side under water in a beaker. After a few days of storage, the water surface inside the test tube is covered by a thin layer of white solid material, which has surprising strength. Even when the test tube is almost kept horizontally, the surface of the water does not break.
This thin layer consists of silicon dioxide, which is formed on the water surface, due to the presence of dissolved oxygen in the water. This oxygen slowly is released to the gas phase and this reacts with the silane gas. The silicon dioxide, formed in this slow reaction is deposited on the water surface. When the test tube with the silane gas is opened and air is allowed to enter the test tube, then the gas bursts in flames at once. Only do this with the test tube in the normal orientation (open end upwards) and then remove the stopper. If it is kept inverted, then a big bubble of air goes into the test tube and the resulting explosion then may shatter the glass!
Discussion of results
2Mg + SiO2 → 2MgO + Si + energy If more magnesium is present, then that reacts with the silicon in another exothermic reaction: 2Mg + Si → Mg2Si + energy The net reaction is: 4Mg + SiO2 → 2MgO + Mg2Si + energy The energy produced in the total reaction is sufficient to make the entire reaction mix glow. If elemental silicon and magnesium were used instead of sand and magnesium, then one could obtain pure Mg2Si, but the reaction is so exothermic that it is rather dangerous and hard to keep controlled. In the net reaction, for each 500 mg of magnesium, 309 mg of silicon dioxide is used.
Mg2Si(s) + 4H+(aq) → Mg2+(aq) + SiH4(g) The gas SiH4 is the simplest and first member of a class of compounds called silanes. Silanes are the silicon equivalents of alkanes. The simplest silane is SiH4 and this colorless gas frequently is called monosilane or simply silane. There are several side reactions though. Besides gaseous SiH4 higher silanes are produced as well, such as Si2H6 and Si3H8. Hydrogen gas also is produced. So, the reaction between magnesium silicide and acid is not a clean and stoichiometrically well determined reaction, but many different reactions occur at the same time. Silanes are much more reactive than the corresponding alkanes. SiH4 is extremely flammable and in many cases, this gas ignites, when it comes in contact with air. The higher silanes are even more reactive and SiH4, contaminated with higher silanes, as produced in this experiment, always ignites when it comes in contact with air. When the gas burns in air (or pure oxygen), then the following main reaction occurs: SiH4(g) + 2O2(g) → SiO2(s) + 2H2O(g) The SiO2 can be observed as white smoke. Again, there are several side reactions when the silane is burning. At the high temperatures involved in the burning process, silane also decomposes, giving silicon and all kinds of ill-defined polymeric Si-O/H species. These compounds are solids with colors ranging from yellow to brown. This explains the formation of the orange solid, when silanes are burnt in a test tube.