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Spontaneous combustion of phosphine Phosphine is a highly flammable gas, which easily can be ignited. In air it does not self-ignite, but in chlorine gas it does self-ignite, giving an orange flame, and a popping noise.
In this experiment, first some phosphine is made, and after that, the gas is bubbled into chlorine gas.
Making some phosphine
When using butane gas or a flammable brand of "dust-off" be careful not to have any open fire nearby. When all gas has evaporated and bubbles of gas do not appear at the remote end of the flexible PVC tube anymore, then wait a few minutes, before the next step is performed. In that time, the flammable gas will have disappeared and/or will be diluted so much that there is no risk of fire anymore.
The next step must be done in a fume hood, or outside. A small quantity of toxic phosphine will be released into the air.
It is very important that no air can get into the hot test tube with the phosphine gas. If this happens, then there will be instant fire and there even is a risk of explosion.
When no more phosphorus remains, then one also can use the gas mix above the sodium hydroxide. One can bubble that gas into a clean test tube as well under water, giving another test tube with some phosphine. Bubbles of the gas mix from the heated test tube certainly ignite when they come in contact with air. This is due to the presence of a contamination of the phosphine. This contamination mainly is P2H4, which self-ignites in contact with air. The gas, collected in an inverted test tube through a long piece of thin PVC tubing usually does not self-ignite in air. The P2H4 does not make it into the inverted test tube, it sticks to the inner wall of the PVC tube and decomposes.
Storing the phosphine in inverted stoppered test tubes, under water Phosphine hardly is soluble in water (0.22 ml of gas in 1 ml of water at room temperature and standard pressure), so one can easily keep the phosphine in inverted test tubes, with the open end stoppered, and immersed in water, upside down. A remarkable observation was made. After a day of storage, the gas, which was collected through the thin PVC tube and bubbled in an inverted test tube, still was clean and colorless. The gas, taken directly from the test tube with the solution of sodium hydroxide, partly decomposed. After one day, the volume of that amount of gas is slightly less (but only very slightly), and the glass wall is covered by a thin yellow layer.
The yellow compound is a decomposition/polymerization product of the P2H4, which still was in the gas, taken directly from the heated test tube. After a day of storage, a bubble of gas, taken from the left test tube with the yellow solid, does not self-ignite in air anymore. This is another indication that the P2H4 decomposed and is not present anymore in the gas phase. So, after a day, there are two test tubes with reasonably pure phosphine.
Bubbling the phosphine in chlorine gas A really neat demonstration is when phosphine is bubbled into a test tube, filled with chlorine gas. The reaction between phosphine and chlorine is explosively violent. As soon as the two gasses meet each other, an explosion occurs and a flash of orange light is emitted. This can be demonstrated in a safe way, on a small scale, by bubbling little bubbles of phosphine in an inverted test tube, filled with chlorine. Performing this experiment can be done as outlined below.
After these steps, the following setup is obtained:
When the plunger of the syringe is pressed, then bubbles of phosphine are mixed with the chlorine, and this is accompanied with flashes and little explosions. The volume of gas in the test tube also decreases when phosphine is pressed into the test tube.
The test tube is filled with a white fume/smoke, and the color of the chlorine gas becomes harder to observe. At the end of the experiment, a small amount of gas remained (there was not sufficient phosphine in the syringe to use all of the chlorine gas). The chlorine gas also probably was not 100% pure, but only 90% or so, because the remaining gas is almost colorless, it only has a very faint green color. After the experiment, the situation is as follows:
A video of this reaction is available for download: flashing.avi. Download size is approximately 6 MByte. The flashing is remarkable, but another striking feature of the video is that it demonstrates that the amount of gas in the test tube decreases, despite the fact that lots of gas are added to it!
Cleanup Cleanup after this experiment requires extra care. The test tube, in which the phosphorus and sodium hydroxide are heated will be covered with a thin layer of phosphorus and decomposition products of P2H4. The solution of sodium hydroxide contains hypophosphite after all phosphorus has dissolved. This solution can be diluted with a lot of water and flushed down the drain with a lot of water. A cleaning solution must be prepared by adding a few ml of household bleach to a 10 ml of 10% hydrochloric acid. This produces a solution of chlorine in the acid. This is a chlorine-based acidic cleaning solution, which destroys remains of phosphorus at once. With this solution, the test tube must be rinsed. Next, suck this cleaning liquid into a syringe through the thin PVC tube. This cleans the inside of the PVC tube. Immediately after this, suck a lot of clean water through the PVC tube. The chlorine-based cleaning solution should not be too long in contact with the PVC tube, otherwise it attacks the PVC and the tube becomes turbid and brittle. The rubber stopper also must be rinsed with the chlorine-based cleaning solution. After use, the cleaning solution may be flushed down the drain with a lot of water.
Discussion of results
P4 + 3OH– + 3H2O → PH3 + 3H2PO2– There also is a side reaction, and that side reaction makes the produced gas self-igniting when it comes in contact with air. 3P4 + 8OH– + 8H2O → 2P2H4 + 8H2PO2– There is another side reaction, in which some phosphite ion, HPO32-, is formed as well besides the hypophosphite. This side reaction does not affect the composition of the produced gas mix.
PH3 + 3Cl2 → PCl3 + 3HCl + a lot of energy (heat and light) Most likely, also some PCl5 is formed as well in the excess chlorine. HCl dissolves in water, and the PCl3 also reacts with water, giving more HCl and H3PO3. The white fume/smoke is due to the formation of HCl and PCl3. Because all reaction products are water-soluble, it also can be explained why the volume of gas decreases, despite the fact that more gas is added.
Remark: When this experiment is used as a demonstration for a group of people, then one can prepare the phosphine in advance, even a few days before the actual demonstration. Phosphine can be stored for days or even weeks in an inverted test tube, or an inverted bottle, with the open end under water and tightly stoppered.