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Cationic species of Te, Se and S Tellurium, selenium and sulphur are capable of forming cationic species, consisting of the elements only. The chemistry of these species is relatively unknown. More common are the anionic species, such as sulfide, selenide and telluride and the polyanions, like polysulfide. Also much better known are the oxo-anions of these elements, such as sulfate, sulfite, selenate, tellurate. In this experiment cationic species of tellurium, selenium and sulphur are made. With tellurium, this can be done fairly easily with concentrated sulphuric acid, with selenium it is more difficult, but still possible, but for sulphur, no cationic species could be prepared without the use of oleum. With the use of 20% oleum, however, also the sulphur species could be prepared without difficulty. The following ions are reported in literature:
Which ion is formed for a given element depends on the experimental conditions (type of solvent, temperature, used oxidizer). All these ions are extremely water-sensitive and the presence of water is an absolute no-go when one wants to prepare these ions. An oxidizer is needed under anhydrous conditions, with a solvent, capable of dissolving ionic species. One such solvent is concentrated sulphuric acid, with the optional addition of some phosphorus pentoxide in order to get really rid of water. In the case of sulphuric acid, no oxidizer needs to be added, sulphuric acid can act both as the solvent and as the oxidizer. Three experiments are described below, one for tellurium, one for selenium and one for sulphur.
Tellurium in sulphuric acid at moderate heat
The piece of tellurium has a thickness varying between 0.5 mm and 1 mm and a diameter of approximately 2.5 mm.
A black finely divided precipitate is formed, when the red/purple liquid is added to water. These black particles consist of elementary tellurium. The picture below shows the result of adding a small part of the purple/red liquid to a large excess of water. Only the lower part of the liquid contains the black precipitate. This is due to the higher density of the acid/water mix, which is formed on contact of the red/purple liquid with water.
Tellurium in sulphuric acid at strong heat Now, the experiment is continued with much stronger heating, such that the acid goes near boiling. White fumes are emitted from the acid (it partly decomposes, giving sulphur trioxide and water) and it becomes very hot. This stage of the experiment is even more hazardous than the experiment above, due to the very hot concentrated acid.
When this liquid is allowed to cool down, then the crystals grow somewhat larger and nice glittering crystals can be observed. Below is a picture of the crystals, with a dark background and sunlight shining on them.
There is a lot of a crystalline precipitate under the concentrated sulphuric acid. It is remarkable to see such a voluminous precipitate, when it is compared to the small size of the piece of tellurium used at the start of the experiment.
Formation of an aqueous solution with tellurium(IV) When a lot of water is added at once to the cooled down (!!!) acid with the white solid, then the white solid quickly dissolves with a little shaking and a colorless liquid is obtained. This liquid can be easily reduced, but it also can be easily oxidized. When part of this liquid is added to a solution of sodium hypophosphite (but also to other strong reductors, like dimethylamine borane complex, or sodium borohydride), then immediately a black precipitate is formed. This black precipitate is elementary tellurium. On the other hand, when potassium dichromate is added to the colorless liquid, then the dichromate quickly is reduced to green/blue chromium(III). The colorless liquid contains tellurium in the +4 oxidation state as acidified TeO2. This can be reduced to Te, and it can be oxidized to tellurate, with tellurium in the +6 oxidation state. The following three pictures show the colorless solution, which is the result of adding a lot of water to the acid with the white crystalline solid. The middle picture shows the result of adding some of the colorless liquid to a solution of sodium hypophosphite, and the right picture shows the result of adding some solid potassium dichromate to a small amount of the colorless liquid.
When some hydrogen peroxide is added to the test tube with the black precipitate, then the precipitate quickly dissolves, giving a colorless solution again. Hence, finely divided elementary tellurium easily is oxidized by hydrogen peroxide in acidic medium.
It seems that this is a different compound. Its color also is different. It is not purely black, but dark brown. Its color is nicely demonstrated by this picture:
Selenium in hot sulphuric acid
The piece of selenium has a thickness of approximately 1 mm and a diameter of approximately 2 mm.
Again, only the lower part of the liquid has the finely divided element, because of the higher density of the acid/water mix, which is formed when the acid is dripped into the water.
When this dark liquid is swirled around a bit, then the liquid, which is running along the glass downwards is dark green, but it quickly changes color to red and becomes turbid. The green cationic species easily is converted (at least partially) to elementary selenium. Most likely this is due to absorption of water from the air (the experiment was done on a warm and humid day).
Initially, this precipitate is very finely divided, but the small particles quickly stick together and a clumpy and very voluminous piece of precipitated selenium is formed at the bottom. After an even longer time, the piece of precipitate moves upwards to the surface, most likely due to formation of small bubbles of air, which stick to the piece of precipitate and take this upwards. By swirling around the liquid in the erlenmeyer, the piece of precipitate can easily be made to sink to the bottom again.
Sulphur in hot sulphuric acid (with P4O10 added) With tellurium, it was fairly easy to prepare the red/purple cationic species in sulphuric acid. With selenium, it was harder already and strong heating was needed. When a similar experiment is done with sulphur in concentrated sulphuric acid, then no colored species are formed at all and the sulphur does not dissolve. Finally, the experiment with sulphur was repeated with phosphorus pentoxide added to the concentrated sulphuric acid, in order to take away all traces of water and to make even some sulphur trioxide (quite some P4O10 was added). Even with this liquid and strong heating no sulphur can be dissolved. What was observed though was that the sulphur first melts, giving nice yellow droplets in the liquid.
When the liquid is heated further, then the droplets darken, as the sulphur polymerizes and on even stronger heating, the droplets of sulphur become deep red and more mobile. They easier combine into a bigger droplet at the higher temperature. The picture below shows two larger blobs of very hot molten sulphur, together with some smaller droplets.
The liquid is somewhat brown in this experiment, this is not due to dissolving of sulphur into the acid, but due to an impurity in the phosphorus pentoxide used. Although this is a perfectly white powder, on dissolving this in water, or sulphuric acid, it forms a pale brownish liquid, when at higher concentration. A nice and funny end was given to this experiment, by allowing the liquid to cool down. During the cooling down, the color of the sulphur reverts to yellow, and at the point, where the sulphur formed a few yellow droplets, the liquid at once was poured into a bucket filled with cold water. This gives a loud and scary crackling noise and results in little splashes sprayed around (the acid still was quite hot, and the phosphorus pentoxide makes it even more eager for reacting with water). In the cold water the droplets of sulphur solidify and sink to the bottom. They were collected, rinsed, and dried with a paper tissue. The result is shown in the picture below. The largest sphere has a diameter of approximately 2 mm.
Sulphur in hot oleum with 20% SO3 As the experiment above demonstrates, sulphuric acid is not capable of producing any cationic species of sulphur. With oleum, containing 20% dissolved SO3, the reaction is easily carried out though. When some sulphur is added to the oleum, then at room temperature, already a faint blue color can be observed. Moderate heating quickly dissolves all of the sulphur and an extremely intensely blue color is obtained.
When only a small part of the sulphur has dissolved, then the liquid already has a very deep blue color. When all sulphur has dissolved, then the liquid is almost black. The left picture below shows the liquid when only some sulphur has dissolved, the right picture shows the liquid when all sulphur has dissolved.
The sulphur is so finely divided, that the color of the light from above seems blue, due to Rayleigh scattering. Above the liquid, there is a thick white fume of sulphur trioxide, release from the oleum when it was poured in the water. Even after a few minutes, the fume still is clearly visible and the liquid looks blue at the bottom of the erlenmeyer, still due to the scattering of the light.
Discussion of results
4Te + 3H2SO4 → Te42+ + SO2 + 2H2O + 2HSO4– The sulphuric acid oxidizes the tellurium, but only mildly. The acid itself is reduced to sulphur dioxide (which actually could be smelled faintly during the experiment). Any water, formed in the reaction, is captured by the large excess of sulphuric acid, and hence it does not prevent the formation of the Te42+ ion. The deep red ion Te42+ has a very special structure, which was only unraveled recently.
Each tellurium atom has 6 electrons available in its outer shell. Four atoms are involved, so this would make up for 24 electrons to be distributed. However, the ion has a charge +2, so 22 electrons have to be distributed. Eight electrons are involved in an ordinary σ-bond between tellurium atoms. These are represented by the lines between the Te-atoms. Another eight electrons are present as lone pairs on each of the Te-atoms, denoted by the two dots near each Te-atom. The 6 remaining electrons are delocalized in a resonance type of bond, which spreads over all four tellurium atoms (c.f. structure benzene). The entire structure has a charge +2. Geometrically, the ion is square planar.
2Te42+ + 2H2O → 7Te + TeO2 + 4H+
2Te + 5H2SO4 → SO3·2TeO2 + 4SO2 + 5H2O The white solid SO3·2TeO2 is immediately hydrolyzed by water. It can be regarded as a basic sulfate. A discussion of this experiment on sciencemadness resulted in the mentioning of a possible structure: mention of possible structure of the basic tellurium sulfate Based on this, one can write [Te2O3]SO4 as a better formula of this compound.
When water is added to the liquid, with the white solid in it, it dissolves, giving colorless cationic tellurium(IV) species in solution, and sulfate ions. These cationic species are very prone to hydrolysis and when the pH is raised, they are converted to hydrous TeO2. This behavior also nicely demonstrates, that TeO2 can act as a base. It is known that it also acts as acid, and hence, TeO2 is amphoteric. When TeO2 acts as acid, then H2TeO3 is formed, which splits off H+ ions. When it acts as base, then it absorbs H+ ions, but the precise nature of the resulting cationic species is not clear. For simplicity, the cationic species is written as TeO2·nH+(aq), but this certainly does not reflect its structure, it only emphasizes on the fact that TeO2 dissolves in strong acid, giving rise to cationic species.
The red/purple Te42+ ions also are oxidized further when the acid in which they are dissolved is heated more strongly. One way to express this reaction is as follows: Te42+ + 9H2SO4 → 2[SO3·2TeO2] + 7SO2 + 8H2O + 2H+ The red/purple color disappears and only the white crystalline solid is left.
8Se + 3H2SO4 → Se82+ + SO2 + 2H2O + 2HSO4– This reaction resembles the reaction with tellurium. Again, there is a mild oxidation, but now a positively charged ion is formed, consisting of 8 atoms. Stronger heating does not result in further oxidation of the selenium. No SeO2-like species are formed in the concentrated sulphuric acid. So, here the analogue with tellurium stops.
2Se82+ + 2H2O → 15Se + SeO2 + 4H+
With sulphur, the preparation of an ion of the form Sn2+ failed when concentrated sulphuric acid was used. With oleum, however, the reaction could be carried out easily. According to literature, Sn2+-ions exist, with n equal to 4 (yellow), n equal to 8 (deep blue), and n equal to 19 (deep red). With 20% oleum the S82+-ion is produced, the other ions apparently require other oxidizers or more extreme conditions. The S82+-ion has the same structure as the Se82+-ion. The bond along the shared edge also has a very long distance between the sulphur atoms (283 pm).
Information about the cationic species of S, Se and Te is from the following book: Chemistry of the Elements, second edition by Greenwood and Earnshaw. Information about sulphur is on pages 664, 665. Information about Se and Te is on pages 759 and 760.