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Reaction in gas phase Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen react with each other in the gas phase. The two colorless gases, when mixed with each other, react to produce deep brown/red nitrogen dioxide: 2NO + O2 → 2NO2 This reaction is well known, but in this demonstration experiment it is shown in a spectacular way.
Procedure for the experiment The procedure for the experiment is very simple.
The final result of this procedure is the following setup:
The lower bottle contains the nitrogen monoxide, the upper bottle contains the oxygen (probably mixed with a small amount of air, which is not a problem). The experiment is started by pulling away the glass plate, such that gas can be exchanged between the bottles. The two sections below describe how the two gases can be prepared. Preparation of the gases is easy, the only trickery is the manipulation of the gasses, assuring that no air comes into the bottles.
Production of oxygen gas
Production of nitrogen monoxide gas
Performing the experiment Performing the experiment is very simple. Pull away the glass plate, while keeping the bottles in place. As soon as this is done, the denser oxygen gas moves downwards and the lighter nitrogen monoxide moves upwards. This is quite spectacular. The pictures below show what happens, each picture is approximately 1 second after the other picture. The picture at the left is just before the glass plate is removed.
When the experiment has been running for a while, then air is sucked into the bottles. This can be explained, because the total pressure of the reaction product is at most ⅔ of the initial pressure. Three molecules of gas produce only two molecules of gas. Two videos of this experiment can be downloaded here:
After a minute or so, the color of the gas mix has become less intense. This is due to the water, present in the bottles. The brown NO2 reacts with water, as explained below in the discussion of results. |
Discussion of results
2NO + O2 → 2NO2 During the reaction, underpressure is built up in the bottles. This can be explained, because from three molecules of gas only two molecules of reaction product are formed. Further decrease of pressure occurs, due to the following equilibrium in which the number of product molecules even decreases further: 2NO2 ↔ 2N2O4
3NO2 + H2O → 2HNO3 + NO The decrease of volume, when the brown gas mix dissolves also can be explained by this reaction equation. Three molecules of NO2 only give one molecule of NO. The HNO3 dissolves in the water. The real reaction mechanism is quite involved, the equation, given above, is a net equation.
NaNO2 + H+ → HNO2 + Na+ The nitrous acid is in equilibrium with blue N2O3. The blue color of the N2O3 is clearly visible in the experiment. This N2O3 in turn decomposes. 2HNO2 ↔ N2O3 + H2O N2O3 ↔ NO2 + NO Part of the NO2 reacts with water, giving acid again and more NO (see equation above). So, when sodium nitrite is acidified, then the net result is formation of a mix of mostly NO with some NO2 in it as well.