Procedure for performing the experiment
Take approximately 50 mg of magnesium powder. Do not scale
up. Put the magnesium powder on an absolutely dry piece of glass or
smooth tile.
approximately 125 mg of silver nitrate and carefully mix this intimately with the
magnesium powder, without applying much pressure. The resulting mix is a greyish/white
powder. The mix must be made into a small pile, with a size of approximately 6x6
mm2 and a height of a few mm.
Take a
glass rod and assure that a small drop of water is on the rod. Carefully, with
stretched arm, touch the mix of silver nitrate and magnesium with the drop of
water on the glass rod.
soon as the mixture is touched with the drop of water, an intense white flash is
observed and quite some smoke is produced (mainly magnesium oxide, with some
silver contamination). The picture below shows what can be produced with this
experiment. A smoke cloud was produced of almost 20 cm high, even from such a
small amount of chemicals. The sound of the reaction is just a soft and short

Sometimes, the mixture does not flash at once, but a slower
reaction can be observed, with the production of small amounts of nitrogen
dioxide, which can be observed as brown vapor. If this occurs, wait for some
time, because the mixture suddenly can set off unexpectedly!
You don't want to have
your hands near the mixture, when it sets off, because of the small droplets of
molten silver, which are sprayed around! If the mixture still does not set off
after some time, then add another drop of water. If that does not work, then
quench the mixture at once with several ml of water, before getting your hands
close to the mixture.
Discussion of results
Magnesium is easily oxidized by silver ions in the cold and by nitrate as well
at elevated temperatures.
Initially, the magnesium powder and silver nitrate crystals do not allow
sufficient contact. The reaction cannot proceed at a macroscopic level.
some water is added, then the silver nitrate dissolves
and a concentrated solution is formed. The silver ions in this mixture react
with the magnesium metal, producing a lot of heat. This heat makes adjacent
mixture more reactive.
sufficient heat is available, no further water is needed anymore. The hot
reaction frontier moves through the powdered mixture rapidly. At the high
temperatures, the nitrate also acts as oxidizer.
A similar reaction is the
magnesium/iodine reaction, which also is
initiated by water. In the latter reaction, however, the heat produced is not
sufficient to continue the reaction. Only the wetted parts react in that