
Description of experiment
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Needed compounds: ----------------- sodium metabisulfite : Na2S2O5 hydrochloric acid : HCl sodium hydroxide : NaOH ammonium persulfate : (NH4)2S2O8 sulphuric acid : H2SO4 sodium sulfite : Na2SO3 potassium permanganate : KMnO4
Class: ------ elem=Mn,O redox
Summary: -------- Persulfate is not capable of oxidizing manganese to the (VII) state in acidic environments.
Description: ------------ Dissolve some solid KMnO4 in dilute sulphuric acid and add a slight excess amount of sodium sulfite: The liquid becomes colorless and clear, a pungent odour of SO2 is observed. The liquid contains Mn2+.
Add an excess amount of ammonium persulfate: The odour of SO2 disappears, the ammonium persulfate dissolves, no further changes. The liquid remains colorless.
Heat to appr. 60 C for a few minutes: No visible changes.
Add an excess amount of a solution of NaOH (such that all acid is neutralized and the liquid becomes alkaline): A dark brown precipitate appears immediately on contact between the two liquids. The persulfate oxidizes manganese(II) to manganese(IV) immediately.
Add more ammonium persulfate, dissolve and heat to appr. 60 C for a few more minutes: No changes observed. After a few minutes of standing the precipitate goes down and the liquid above the precipitate becomes pale brown and a little bit milky. No visible traces of green [MnO4]2- or purple [MnO4]-.
Add an excess amount of a 10% solution of HCl: No visible changes, the liquid remains pale brown and milky. The dark brown precipitate does not dissolve.
Add an excess amount of solid Na2S2O5 and shake: The liquid almost instantly turns colorless and clear.
Conclusion: Persulfate is not capable of oxidizing Mn2+ in acid environments, in alkaline environment it cannot oxidize manganese further than MnO2 (the (IV) state).
