
Experiments for 'vanadyl sulfate'
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Results for 'vanadyl sulfate':
EXPERIMENT 1 --------------- Vanadium (IV) as vanadyl cations, is oxidized by persulfate to vanadium (V) as pervanadyl.
EXPERIMENT 2 --------------- Vanadyl (vanadium (IV)) does not give a coordination complex with ammonia. It does not dissolve in ammonia. With stronger bases, a brown vanadate (IV) compound dissolves (a poly-vanadate (IV) compound??).
EXPERIMENT 3 --------------- Vanadium(III) hydroxide apparently forms a precipitate and does not dissolve in strongly alkaline liquids. Vanadium (III) and (IV) are oxidized by peroxodisulfate to vanadium (V).
EXPERIMENT 4 --------------- Peroxodisulfate ([S2O8]2-) is capable of oxidizing vanadyl ([VO]2+) to pervanadyl ([VO2]+), but this reaction proceeds slowly.
EXPERIMENT 5 --------------- Vanadium (III) apparently builds a coordination complex with EDTA in strongly acidic environments. This complex is brown.
EXPERIMENT 6 --------------- Vanadyl builds an intensely colored complex with thiocyanate in acidic environments. In alkaline environments this complex is destroyed. When H2O2 is added, this complex is destroyed as well, but in this case some heating is required.
EXPERIMENT 7 --------------- The vanadyl salt of ferrocyanide does not dissolve in water. The salt is easily hydrolysed in alkaline environments (it resembles the prussian blue as far as this behaviour is concerned).
EXPERIMENT 8 --------------- The vanadyl salt of ferricyanide does not dissolve. The differences between the ferricyanide salt and ferrocyanide salts are not very clear. In alkaline solution apparently ferricyanide and vanadate (IV) can coexist.
EXPERIMENT 9 --------------- Vanadyl gives diverse complexes with citrate, the color of these complexes strongly depends on the pH of the solution.
EXPERIMENT 10 --------------- It is possible to let a liquid completely solidify by making the correct precipitates. Citrate is very suitable for this, combined with some transition metals.
EXPERIMENT 11 --------------- Vanadyl ions do not precipitate with ferricyanide, when a large excess amount of oxalic acid is present. Without the presence of oxalic acid the two compounds form a green/yellow/brown precipitate (see other experiments).
EXPERIMENT 12 --------------- Vanadyl ions do not form a special complex with tartaric acid in strongly acidic environments. When hydrogen peroxide is added, a complex is formed, but is this due to the presence of tartaric acid? When tartaric acid is added to a solution of vanadyl sulfate in an environment, which is only slightly acidic, then a green complex is formed. On making the liquid more basic, a vague sequence of color changes occurs, through grey/blue, finally going to brown.
EXPERIMENT 13 --------------- Oxalic acid does not seem to form a coordination complex with vanadyl ions, or if a complex is formed, then it has a color, which is almost the same of the color of aquated vanadyl.
EXPERIMENT 14 --------------- Vanadyl forms a light blue or white compound with phosphates, when it is precipitated. In excess alkali, this dissolves, forming a greenish brown clear liquid. This color is like the familiar brown color of strongly alkaline solutions, containing vanadium in the +4 oxidation state, but a little bit less reddish and more greenish.
EXPERIMENT 15 --------------- Vanadyl is oxidized by bromate quickly and completely.
EXPERIMENT 16 --------------- Vanadyl ions apparently do not form a coordination complex with chloride at extremely high concentration, or the coordination complex has the same color as the vanadyl-aqua complex.
EXPERIMENT 17 --------------- Without the help of a strong acid, vanadium pentoxide is not capable of oxidizing formic acid, not even when heated. When some sulfite is added, then incomplete reduction of the V2O5 can be observed. With the help of a strong acid and when in solution, vanadium (V) is capable of oxidizing formic acid, but only very slowly. With formic acid and vanadium (IV), apparently a coordination complex is formed. Another explanation is given below at the end of the description.
EXPERIMENT 18 --------------- Vanadium in the +4 oxidation state is not reduced to vanadium in a lower oxidation state by borohydride.
EXPERIMENT 19 --------------- When vanadyl sulfate is dehydrated by heating, then the resulting solid only dissolves partially in water and in dilute acid. When a strong oxidizer is present, all of the solid dissolves again, forming a soluble vanadium species in the +5 oxidation state.
EXPERIMENT 20 --------------- Vanadyl ion is not reduced by borane to vanadium in a lower oxidation state.
EXPERIMENT 21 --------------- Catechol forms a coordination complex with vanadyl.
EXPERIMENT 22 --------------- The blue vanadyl ion VO(2+), which contains vanadium in oxidation state +4, is oxidized by oxone (which contains the monopersulfate ion, SO5(2-)) and it also is oxidized by the peroxodisulfate ion S2O8(2-). Oxidation by monopersulfate is immediate, oxidation by peroxodisulfate is very slow. The latter reaction can be sped up by heating, but still it takes tens of seconds on near boiling of the solution.
The blue vanadyl ion is oxidized to the pale yellow pervanadyl ion VO2(+). On heating, this pervanadyl ion condenses into more intensely colored ions which contain multiple VO2(+) units. At a certain point the condensation of the pervanadyl ions goes so far that a red/orange precipitate is formed of hydrous vanadium pentaoxide, V2O5.nH2O.
EXPERIMENT 23 --------------- Vanadyl sulfate n-hydrate is dehydrated by hot concentrated sulphuric acid, giving insoluble solid anhydrous VOSO4. This solid does not dissolve in the concentrated acid, nor in water.
EXPERIMENT 24 --------------- When a solution of vanadyl sulfate is mixed with excess sodium nitrite, then a very dark liquid is obtained and some NO is formed. On acidification, this liquid becomes green/yellow, but on boiling, it becomes blue again and it appears that all vanadium goes to oxidation state 4 again.
EXPERIMENT 25 --------------- When hydrated sulfate-salts are heated, which only loose water, then their properties strongly change. The color changes, but also the solubility properties change a lot. The sulfate salts loose water easily, but no acid (H2SO4 or SO3).
End of results for 'vanadyl sulfate'
