Experiments for 'sodium hypophosphite'
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Results for 'sodium hypophosphite':
EXPERIMENT 1 --------------- Vanadium(V) in acidic solution is reduced by hypophosphite to vanadium(IV), but there is no further reduction to a lower oxidation state.
EXPERIMENT 2 --------------- Arsenic in oxidation state +5 is not easily reduced to elemental arsenic, except by tin(II) chloride.
EXPERIMENT 3 --------------- Sodium hypophosphite does not react with 68% nitric acid when mixed in the cold. When the mix is heated somewhat, then the reaction suddenly sets off and is self-sustained.
EXPERIMENT 4 --------------- Copper(II) can be reduced to the very peculiar compound CuH by hypophosphorous acid, but only under very specific conditions. The compound CuH is quite unstable and easily looses hydrogen. In the presence of chloride ions, no CuH is formed, but CuCl is formed instead.
EXPERIMENT 5 --------------- Hexavalent chromium is reduced to trivalent chromium by hypophosphite, but there is no further reduction to chromium(II).
EXPERIMENT 6 --------------- A mix of finely powdered sodium hypophosphite and potassium bromate forms an energetic mix which can easily be ignited.
EXPERIMENT 7 --------------- Sodium hypophosphite is remarkably flammable. A mix with potassium chlorate is dangerously explosive and can easily be ignited.
End of results for 'sodium hypophosphite'
