Experiments for 'sodium formiate'
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Results for 'sodium formiate':
EXPERIMENT 1 --------------- Without the help of a strong acid, vanadium pentoxide is not capable of oxidizing formic acid, not even when heated. When some sulfite is added, then incomplete reduction of the V2O5 can be observed. With the help of a strong acid and when in solution, vanadium (V) is capable of oxidizing formic acid, but only very slowly. With formic acid and vanadium (IV), apparently a coordination complex is formed. Another explanation is given below at the end of the description.
EXPERIMENT 2 --------------- Dichromate is not capable of oxidizing formiate in reasonable time.
EXPERIMENT 3 --------------- Iodate and formiate react very nearly explosively at high temperature.
EXPERIMENT 4 --------------- When anhydrous sodium formiate is heated, then it first melts and on further heating it decomposes, giving a colorless gas. This colorless gas is highly flammable and forms explosive mixes with air.
End of results for 'sodium formiate'
