
Experiments for 'potassium metabisulfite'
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Results for 'potassium metabisulfite':
EXPERIMENT 1 --------------- Manganese builds a coordination complex with EDTA, which appears to be pink. What oxidation state does the manganese have with this complex? It appears to have oxidation state 2, unless EDTA is easily oxidized by manganese, having a higher oxidation state.
EXPERIMENT 2 --------------- Manganese (II) gives an off-white precipitate with ferrocyanide and it gives a dark brown precipitate with ferricyanide. The brown compound probably is a manganese (IV) compound, formed through oxidation by ferricyanide.
EXPERIMENT 3 --------------- This sequence of experiments shows that sulfite is capable of reducing silver (I), copper (II) and iron (III), but that these reactions all show their own peculiarities. Sulphur in the +4 oxidation state is a mild reductant.
EXPERIMENT 4 --------------- Copper (II) is reduced by metabisulfite / sulphur dioxide to a copper (I) compound, but some heating is required in order to make this reaction fast.
EXPERIMENT 5 --------------- Molybdate forms blue or green compounds, when reduced with mild reducing agents or when little quantitities of reducing agents are used.
EXPERIMENT 6 --------------- Vanadium pentoxide dissolves in concentrated sulphuric acid with some heating. A deep red liquid is formed, which, remarkably, only is reduced by sulfite in the presence of some water.
EXPERIMENT 7 --------------- Bisulfite and sulfite form coordination complexes with chromium (III). The exact behaviour strongly depends on the pH of the solution. When the pH is raised with sulfite and then decreased again with sulphuric acid, then the color does not revert to the original color of aqueous chromium (III). Probably a new compound is found, which is inert and does not fall apart quickly in acidic environments.
EXPERIMENT 8 --------------- When dichromate is reduced with metabisulfite in acidic environment, then a chromium (III) compound is formed, which does not easily crystallize from the liquid as chrome alum. The chromium (III) compound is green, instead of violet.
EXPERIMENT 9 --------------- Bismuth shows remarkable coordination chemistry with iodide and chloride. In the absence of chloride, a black precipitate of BiI3 is formed. In the presence of chloride, a deep yellow/orange compound is formed, but only if also iodide is present. So this compound must be a complex of bismuth, iodide and chloride.
EXPERIMENT 10 --------------- Sulfur is an extremely fascinating element in that it is capable of existing in a wide range of oxidation states under normal conditions, from -2 (as in Hydrogen sulfide) up through +6 (sulfuric acid). The following experiment demonstrates simple redox chemistry involving Sulfur dioxide gas created in situ.
End of results for 'potassium metabisulfite'
