
Experiments for 'copper sulfate penta hydrate'
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Results for 'copper sulfate penta hydrate':
EXPERIMENT 1 --------------- This is a very nice experiment, involving beautifully coloured compounds, but it is a hazardous experiment as well, due to the use of mercury (II) compounds. Mercury (II) builds a complex with excess iodide, [HgI4]2-, which gives a beautiful bright yellow precipitate with Ag+ and a beautiful bright brick- red precipitate with Cu+.
EXPERIMENT 2 --------------- Sulfide gives precipitates with some metals, which do not dissolve in strong acids. These sulfides, however, can easily be dissolved, when an oxidizing agent is used. Sulfide is easily oxidized by moderately strong oxidizers.
EXPERIMENT 3 --------------- This sequence of experiments shows that sulfite is capable of reducing silver (I), copper (II) and iron (III), but that these reactions all show their own peculiarities. Sulphur in the +4 oxidation state is a mild reductant.
EXPERIMENT 4 --------------- Copper (II) reacts with thiocyanate in a complex way.
EXPERIMENT 5 --------------- Copper (II) reacts with thiocyanate in a complex way.
EXPERIMENT 6 --------------- Copper (II) reacts with ferrocyanide and builds a fairly stable compound.
EXPERIMENT 7 --------------- Vitamin C is a strong reductor in alkaline environments. Copper (II) is reduced to copper (I).
EXPERIMENT 8 --------------- Copper hydroxide is decomposed upon heating and loses water, even if it is surrounded by water.
EXPERIMENT 9 --------------- Copper (II) reacts with metallic copper, in the presence of a large amount of hydrochloric acid, forming an intensely colored compound. This compound contains copper (I). If copper (II) is used alone, with hydrochloric acid and peroxide, then the strong coloration does not occur.
EXPERIMENT 10 --------------- Hydroquinone is capable of reducing copper (II) to copper (I) in alkaline environments. The copper is not reduced to its metallic form.
EXPERIMENT 11 --------------- Copper hydroxide is not capable of oxidizing methanol.
EXPERIMENT 12 --------------- Formaldehyde is not capable of reducing Fehlings reagent within a few minutes at temperatures of appr. 60 C.
EXPERIMENT 13 --------------- Metol is capable of reducing copper (II) to copper (I) in alkaline environments.
EXPERIMENT 14 --------------- Copper (II) builds a complex with citrate ions. When treated with ferro cyanide, this complex is destroyed, resulting in copper ferrocyanide. When treated with ferricyanide, then it is not destroyed. Apparently copper ferricyanide dissolves better in water, such that the complex with citrate can remain in solution.
EXPERIMENT 15 --------------- Copper (II) builds a coordination complex with glucose in alkaline environments. On heating, the glucose is oxidized by the copper (II) and orange/red Cu2O precipitates.
EXPERIMENT 16 --------------- Copper (I) iodide dissolves in dilute ammonia, resulting in a colorless liquid. Copper (I) builds a coordination complex with ammonia. This complex is oxidized by oxygen from the air exceedingly easily.
EXPERIMENT 17 --------------- Copper gives a coordination complex with catechol, but only in alkaline environments. This complex is easily oxidized by oxygen from air. Iron also forms a complex in acidic media, probably by a combined red/coordination reaction.
EXPERIMENT 18 --------------- Copper (II) gives a coordination complex with ascorbic acid in neutral or slightly acidic environments. In alkaline environments copper (II) is reduced rapidly by ascorbic acid / ascorbate.
EXPERIMENT 19 --------------- Copper builds a complex with urea, which has a pale purple color (or is this due to contamination of the urea with traces of biuret?). The copper, bound to urea, does not build the intense blue cuprammine complex with ammonia.
EXPERIMENT 20 --------------- EDTA builds a coordination complex with copper (II). This complex has a color, resembling the color of simple hydrated copper (II), but it is much more intense and it has a slightly more cyan-like color. This complex is not stable in strongly alkaline environments.
EXPERIMENT 21 --------------- When copper (II) is reduced by dithionite in neutral environments, then a dark red/brown precipitate is formed (metallic copper??). When reduced in alkaline environments, then hydrous copper (I) oxide is formed.
EXPERIMENT 22 --------------- When tetraammine-copper (II) is reduced by dithionite in excess ammonia, then a colorless copper (I) complex is formed, which remains dissolved.
EXPERIMENT 23 --------------- Copper builds higher oxides than CuO when strong oxidizing agents are present in alkaline environments. Probably these are not copper (III) compounds, but the oxo-ion probably is replaced by peroxo or superoxo.
EXPERIMENT 24 --------------- Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is catalyzed by cuprammine complex.
EXPERIMENT 25 --------------- Copper (II) reacts with thiourea, forming a pale/yellow precipitate, looking like sulphur. This precipitate, however, is not sulphur (what is it???).
EXPERIMENT 26 --------------- In alkaline environments, copper (II) shows remarkable behavior, when brought in contact with strong oxidizers or reductors.
EXPERIMENT 27 --------------- Hydroxyl amine sulfate (containing protonated hydroxyl amine) is not capable of reducing copper (II). When the liquid becomes basic (releasing free hydroxyl amine), then the copper (II) is reduced to copper (I).
EXPERIMENT 28 --------------- Copper builds a remarkable complex with ascorbic acid and is easily reduced by ascorbic acid in alkaline environments. Copper (II) builds a brown compound with hydrogen peroxide in alkaline environments.
EXPERIMENT 29 --------------- Copper (II) ions form a brown complex with bromide ions, but only when the product of concentration of copper and bromide is high. In strongly acidic environments, bromide gives a red/brown/purple complex with cupric ions.
EXPERIMENT 30 --------------- Copper (II) is reduced by sulfite. With chloride the resulting copper (I) can be kept in solution. The copper (I) compound is very susceptible to oxidation by oxygen from the air.
EXPERIMENT 31 --------------- Nitrous acid (or its decomposition product) forms a dark brown coordination complex with ferric ions. With copper (II) also a coordination complex is formed. In relatively strongly acidic environments, these coordination complexes are destroyed/not formed.
EXPERIMENT 32 --------------- Copper (II) does not form a coordination complex, nor does it form a precipitate with bromate. It does not react.
EXPERIMENT 33 --------------- Copper (II) builds a coordination complex with acetate ions. On addition of hydrogen peroxide, this complex is destroyed and a new compound is formed.
EXPERIMENT 34 --------------- Copper (II) does not form a coordination complex with phosphates and/or phosphoric acid.
EXPERIMENT 35 --------------- Copper (II) is reduced by hydroxyl amine very quickly in alkaline environments. Yellow copper (I) hydroxide/oxide is formed.
EXPERIMENT 36 --------------- Copper (II) amine complex is reduced to a colorless copper (I) amine complex by hydroxyl amine. The copper (I) complex is oxidized by oxygen from the air very easily.
EXPERIMENT 37 --------------- Copper (II) salts give a cyan precipitate with bicarbonates. The color of this precipitate is the same as the color of commercially available basic copper carbonate. This precipitate reacts with hydrogen peroxide, forming a dark green/brown compound. With sulfite it also reacts, forming a brownish compound, which on acidification dissolves, forming a light yellow/brown clear liquid.
EXPERIMENT 38 --------------- Copper (II) is reduced by metabisulfite / sulphur dioxide to a copper (I) compound, but some heating is required in order to make this reaction fast.
EXPERIMENT 39 --------------- When copper (II) is present in hydrochloric acid, then it does not react immediately with hydroxyl ammonium, some heating is required to have a reaction, resulting in formation of a dark green/brown compound. When the liquid is made alkaline with excess ammonia, then it quickly becomes colorless, due to reduction of copper (II) to copper (I), which forms a colorless complex with ammonia. A very peculiar reaction occurs on oxidation by oxygen from air. The liquid is covered by a very thin shiny layer, looking like a strongly coloured oil on water. It is not clear what it is, more research is needed.
EXPERIMENT 40 --------------- Copper (II) chloride reacts violently with metallic aluminium. When copper sulfate or nitrate is used, then this reaction does not occur. When sodium chloride is used, this reaction also does not occur. Both cupric ions and chloride ions are needed for quick reaction with aluminium, but if they are present, then a very violent reaction occurs.
EXPERIMENT 41 --------------- Nitrite forms a dark green coordination complex with copper (II) ions in neutral environments. When acidified, then a new coordination complex (dark blue with a grey hue) is formed in the presence of chloride of very high concentration. This is not formed when chloride is absent.
EXPERIMENT 42 --------------- Copper (II) ions are complexed by EDTA Na4, but when the liquid is acidified, then the copper ions are not coordinated anymore.
EXPERIMENT 43 --------------- Copper (II) forms a very dark coordination compound with concentrated bromide in highly acidic environments. When metallic copper is added, then this complex quickly disappears and the liquid almost becomes colorless.
EXPERIMENT 44 --------------- Copper sulfate dissolves in methanol quite well. A blue solution is obtained. Copper chloride dihydrate also dissolves in methanol quite well. A green solution is obtained. With thiocyanate a deep brown complex is formed, which dissolves in methanol, but at higher concentration this precipitates. With cyanide, a dirty green compound is formed, which, however, quickly turns white. This probably is copper (I) cyanide.
EXPERIMENT 45 --------------- Copper (II) forms a yellow/brown coordination complex with cyanide in acidic media in the presence of chloride.
EXPERIMENT 46 --------------- Copper (II) forms a coordination compound with ethyl acetate, which has reacted with hydroxyl amine.
EXPERIMENT 47 --------------- Borohydride is capable of reducing copper to its metallic state.
EXPERIMENT 48 --------------- Copper hydroxide easily looses water, when it is heated, even if it is completely covered with water.
EXPERIMENT 49 --------------- Tannine (a polyphenolic compound of large molecular weight of indeterminate composition) reacts with many metal ions, forming highly coloured complexes. It also shows some other reactions. The exact type of reactions is not always clear. The tannine, used in these experiments, was brown. It's intended use is as an additive for making wine.
EXPERIMENT 50 --------------- Chlorite ion forms complexes with cobalt(II) and copper(II). It forms a precipitate with lead(II). The precipitate with lead(II) forms a highly energetic compound.
EXPERIMENT 51 --------------- Analysis of the composition of the dutch coin 'dubbeltje' shows that it does not contain any copper or just a very small quantity of it.
EXPERIMENT 52 --------------- It appears that copper (II) ions catalyse the oxidation of pyrogallol by hydrogen peroxide.
EXPERIMENT 53 --------------- Copper (II) apparently catalyses the oxidation of pyrogallol by oxygen from the air.
EXPERIMENT 54 --------------- Aluminum reacts vigorously with water, when its passivating layer of oxide is effectively destroyed. This can be achieved by using tetrachloro or tetrabromo complexes of copper (II). Acid can also be used to destroy the passivating layer, but this takes considerably more time. Cobalt has a similar effect as copper (II), but it is less pronounced.
EXPERIMENT 55 --------------- Acetyl chloride is capable of dehydrating copper(II) chloride, and it even is capable of replacing sulfate ion by chloride, itself being converted to acetyl sulfate.
EXPERIMENT 56 --------------- When a solution of copper sulfate is added to a solution of hydroxyl ammonium chloride in dilute solution of NaOH, then a dirty green precipitate is formed. At some places the precipitate becomes yellow. When the liquid is shaken, then all of the precipitate dissolves and a colorless liquid is obtained. On standing, a thin layer of solid material is formed on the surface of the liquid. This layer has a dirty green color.
Hydroxyl amine reduces copper(II) at high pH and a colorless complex of copper(I) is formed, which at really high pH becomes unstable with formation of hydrous copper(I) oxide.
EXPERIMENT 57 --------------- Copper(II) ion and iron(III) ion form complexes with acetyl acetate (acac) in aqueous solution. Cobalt does not form a complex, at least not visibly.
EXPERIMENT 58 --------------- When copper ions are brought in contact with periodate, then a yellow/green precipitate is formed. This precipitate very easily dissolves in hydrochloric acid, giving chlorine gas and other products. When the same is done with manganese(II) ions instead of copper ions, then a brick-red precipitate is formed, which does not easily dissolve in hydrochloric acid.
EXPERIMENT 59 --------------- Copper(II) ions form a pale green complex with a yellowish hue. When the solution is heated to boiling, then the copper(II) is reduced to metallic copper.
EXPERIMENT 60 --------------- Copper(II) ions are capable of forming a mixed azide/ammonia complex which has energetic properties.
EXPERIMENT 61 --------------- Diethylamine does not as easily form typical ammine-like complexes, like ammonia.
EXPERIMENT 62 --------------- Copper(II) can be reduced to the very peculiar compound CuH by hypophosphorous acid, but only under very specific conditions. The compound CuH is quite unstable and easily looses hydrogen. In the presence of chloride ions, no CuH is formed, but CuCl is formed instead.
EXPERIMENT 63 --------------- Copper(II) ion and sulfite ion react in aqueous solution. A dirty green/yellow precipitate is formed when solutions with these ions are mixed. When there is excess sulfite, then on slight heating the precipitate redissolves and the liquid becomes colorless.
Apparently a coordination complex is formed with copper(I). This coordination complex is very air-sensitive. It reacts with air, giving a dirty brown/green/yellow precipitate.
EXPERIMENT 64 --------------- Copper(II) ions and azide ion give rise to formation of an intensely dark colored precipitate/complex.
EXPERIMENT 65 --------------- Copper(II) ions form no complex with tetrathionate ion and there also is no formation of a precipitate. Even boiling does not cause a visible change.
EXPERIMENT 66 --------------- When hydrated sulfate-salts are heated, which only loose water, then their properties strongly change. The color changes, but also the solubility properties change a lot. The sulfate salts loose water easily, but no acid (H2SO4 or SO3).
EXPERIMENT 67 --------------- Cyanate ion forms complexes with many metal ions. These complexes have a strong color and are not stable in acidic solution.
End of results for 'copper sulfate penta hydrate'
