
Experiments for 'ammonium thiocyanate'
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Results for 'ammonium thiocyanate':
EXPERIMENT 1 --------------- Cobalt builds complexes with thiocyanate, although not very clearly.
EXPERIMENT 2 --------------- Cobalt builds highly colored complexes with thiocyanate when acetone is added. This complex is soluble in ether.
EXPERIMENT 3 --------------- Cobalt sulfate dissolves in methanol, albeit not as well as in water. The liquid obtained is colored quite intensely. The dilute solution of cobalt sulfate in methanol looks more pink/purple than even the most concentrated aqueous solution. With thiocyanate a deep blue complex is formed in methanol.
EXPERIMENT 4 --------------- Ferric ions are reduced by borohydride to a black compound. Is this metallic iron or is this iron (II) oxide?
EXPERIMENT 5 --------------- Hydroxylamine is capable of reducing ferricyanide to ferrocyanide. On heating, however, a yellow compound is formed, which apparently is not ferricyanide. With thiocyanate a pale rose-purple solution is formed on standing. Probably oxygen from the air also takes part in the reaction.
EXPERIMENT 6 --------------- Copper (II) reacts with thiocyanate in a complex way.
EXPERIMENT 7 --------------- Copper (II) reacts with thiocyanate in a complex way.
EXPERIMENT 8 --------------- Copper sulfate dissolves in methanol quite well. A blue solution is obtained. Copper chloride dihydrate also dissolves in methanol quite well. A green solution is obtained. With thiocyanate a deep brown complex is formed, which dissolves in methanol, but at higher concentration this precipitates. With cyanide, a dirty green compound is formed, which, however, quickly turns white. This probably is copper (I) cyanide.
EXPERIMENT 9 --------------- Copper (II) chloride dihydrate dissolves in ethyl acetate, albeit only in small amounts. With thiocyanate, a dark coordination complex is formed, also in ethyl acetate.
EXPERIMENT 10 --------------- A large set of compounds is checked on interaction with concentrated nitric acid. Many reductors react violently with nitric acid.
EXPERIMENT 11 --------------- Chromium (III) can have many different colors, depending on how it is created and with which it coordinates.
EXPERIMENT 12 --------------- When chromium (III) is created from dichromate, its color depends on the reductor used and on the acid which is used for supporting the redox reaction.
EXPERIMENT 13 --------------- Potassium dichromate dissolves in methanol, albeit not as well as in water. Potassium chromate hardly dissolves in methanol. When ammonium thiocyanate is added, then the liquid becomes deep yellow. Is this due to chromate, or is this some reaction product from the thiocyanate?
EXPERIMENT 14 --------------- Thiocyanate is oxidized by nitrate very violently under the right conditions.
EXPERIMENT 15 --------------- Methanol gives a colorless gas with nitrite in acidic media. No formation of NO/NO2. This compound probably is CH3ONO, the nitrite ester of methanol. The large excess of CH3OH does not prevent formation of nitrosyl thiocyanate.
EXPERIMENT 16 --------------- Methanol and nitrate/nitric acid do not react readily, not even at fairly high temperature (appr. 90C).
EXPERIMENT 17 --------------- Titanium metal slowly dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid and then forms a very dark solution of a titanium/chloride complex. This solution is much darker than an aqueous solution of titanium(III) in which the ions are present as aqua complex. With thiocyanate an even more intensely colored complex is formed. This complex has the same color, but it is very dark.
End of results for 'ammonium thiocyanate'
