
In its compounds, cobalt usually is in its +2 or +3
oxidation state. Both of these oxidation states are accessible in aqueous
solutions. The stability of the +2 and +3 oxidation states is strongly affected
by ligands, to which cobalt can be coordinated. Free cobalt ion and hydrated
cobalt almost exclusively exist in the +2 oxidation state. Cobalt in its +3
oxidation state is an extraordinarily strong oxidizer, which is capable of
oxidizing water, giving off oxygen. However, in the presence of many ligands
(e.g. ammonia, citrate, cyanide), the +3 oxidation state is strongly favored and
the +2 oxidation state becomes reducing. E.g. when excess ammonia is added to a
solution, containing aqueous cobalt (II), then a complex is formed, which
absorbs oxygen from the air quickly, the cobalt being oxidized to its +3
oxidation state.
Cobalt compounds are readily available for the general
public from pottery and ceramics suppliers. This is because cobalt can be used
to give a deep blue color to glass and ceramics. The following compounds are
available from pottery and ceramics suppliers:
- cobalt (II) carbonate, CoCO3
- cobalt (II) sulfate, CoSO4·7H2O
- cobaltosic oxide, Co3O4
- From chemical supply houses, hydrated cobalt chloride
CoCl2·6H2O can be obtained, but usually, this is quite
- From some art and paint stores, the pigment 'cobalt
yellow', also called potassium hexanitritocobaltate (III), K3Co(NO2)6·H2O
is available.
Cobalt carbonate is available as a purple fine powder, which easily dissolves in
dilute acids on slight heating. These solutions are pink/rose. A solution in
concentrated hydrochloric acid, however is deep blue, due to formation of the
complex CoCl42-. In dilute hydrochloric acid, the color
can be anywhere between pink and blue. High temperatures favor the blue complex.
Cobalt carbonate is a convenient source of cobalt (II) solutions in combination
with any anion, depending on the acid in which it is dissolved. Cobalt carbonate
also is cheap, hence, it is an interesting compound for the home lab.
Cobalt sulfate is a red/purple crystalline solid, which dissolves in water
easily, forming pink/rose solutions. For experiments with divalent cobalt, this
compound even is more convenient than cobalt carbonate. Preparing a neutral
solution of a cobalt (II) compound, together with a non-coordinating anion, is
really easy, when this compound is available. So, when one wants to study the
properties of aqueous cobalt in more detail, this is the compound to start with.
Cobalt sulfate also is a cheap compound.
Cobaltosic oxide, also called cobalt (II, III) oxide, is a mixed valency
compound of cobalt, containing Co3+ and Co2+ in the ratio
2 : 1. It is available as a fine black powder, which is remarkably inert. This
inertness makes the compound not interesting for the average home chemist. It
does not dissolve appreciably in strong acids, nor in strong alkalies. Even
after a day of treatment with concentrated hydrochloric acid, only a faint
coloration of the liquid can be observed. Heating the acid also does not result
in easy dissolving of the solid.
Cobalt chloride, hexahydrate, is a red/purple crystalline solid, which dissolves
in water very easily. From the point of view of the home chemist, this compound
is quite similar to cobalt sulfate. It, however, is much more expensive, and for
some experiments, the presence of chloride may be interfering (chloride
coordinates to cobalt (II) fairly well). If cobalt sulfate is available, then
there is no real reason to purchase cobalt chloride.
Cobalt yellow, as the name suggests, is a yellow powder with a tinge towards
orange/brown. This compound is only very sparingly soluble in water. In strong
acids, it slowly decomposes, faster on heating. On decomposition, it gives
nitrogen oxides and a solution, containing cobalt (II) ions. This compound is
not really suitable to get clean solutions of cobalt (II). Quite strong acids
are needed for its decomposition and there always is nitrogen oxide and nitrous
acid present, together with the cobalt. This may interfere strongly in many
experiments. Either cobalt carbonate or cobalt sulfate are more suitable for a
home lab.