Hafnium  - Hf



Hafnium is the last element in the column Ti, Zr, Hf. It is a fairly inert metal, with a dull grey color, resembling zirconium quite a lot. Hafnium, in fact, resembles zirconium so much, that it is very difficult to separate the two elements. Commercial samples of zirconium almost always contain quite some hafnium, and commercial samples of hafnium almost always contain quite some zirconium. This sample is 99.9% pure, not counting zirconium content. Its purity, counting zirconium content, is not known to me. This sample has a size of approximately 5 mm width, 2.5 cm length and a thickness of 0.5 mm.

Hafnium can also exist in a totally different form. Below, a sample of approximately 10 grams of hafnium is shown, with a structure as if it is made of small pieces of cauliflower. Its purity is at least 99.75%, the remaining part being mainly zirconium. This piece of hafnium is made electrolytically. This process results in the formation of the typical irregular globules.